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Non-Volatile Magnonic Logic Circuits Engineering




We propose a concept of magnetic logic circuits engineering, which takes anadvantage of magnetization as a computational state variable and exploits spinwaves for information transmission. The circuits consist of magneto-electriccells connected via spin wave buses. We present the result of numericalmodeling showing the magneto-electric cell switching as a function of theamplitude as well as the phase of the spin wave. The phase-dependent switchingmakes it possible to engineer logic gates by exploiting spin wave buses aspassive logic elements providing a certain phase-shift to the propagating spinwaves. We present a library of logic gates consisting of magneto-electric cellsand spin wave buses providing 0 or p phase shifts. The utilization of phases inaddition to amplitudes is a powerful tool which let us construct logic circuitswith a fewer number of elements than required for CMOS technology. As anexample, we present the design of the magnonic Full Adder Circuit comprisingonly 5 magneto-electric cells. The proposed concept may provide a route to morefunctional wave-based logic circuitry with capabilities far beyond the limitsof the traditional transistor-based approach.



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